Jan 3, 2007


Our educators can be some of the most moronic people ever.

Read this first

" The concept that searching a blog site is an invasion of privacy is almost an oxymoron . . . . It is called the World Wide Web."
-Associate Superintendent Prentiss Lea

"World Wide Web" indicates ONLY that the communication network/ informational dispersion system in question extends througout the globe (which even at this point is technically untrue). The "World Wide Web," or the internet as anyone living in the 21st century calls it, is completely familiar with private information. Even Live Journal and MySpace have options to make information viewable ONLY by the author. The internet abounds with information accessible only by username and password. To make a statement indicating that simply posting ANYTHING on the internet makes that information "public" is a grave and sadly typical misunderstanding on the part of people responsible for educating our children and American society in general these days.

Simply "monitoring" a students communications based on the "concerns" of friends, family, or ADMINISTRATION (and dont' kid yourself) is an invasion of privacy. Even the police (who, let's admit it, generally do whatever the fuck they want), are technically required to go through some kind of legal channel before searching someones home or confiscating their personal correspondence or "diary" work.While I'll admit that concern over the safety of schools after the incident in Columbine is much more important than in the past, this concern can not be met at the expense of the basic rights of every person on this planet, regardless of any man-made law you can think of.How are we supposed to teach our children to be inventive, creative individuals in a complex society if we use the first third of their lives instilling in them a fear of "thinking out of line."

THAT'S on oxymoron.

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